Advice on how to QuizMaster, which prompts to use and when, how, etc.
-This will assist both quizzers and quizmasters as CBQ seeks to be consistent between one quiz room and the next. These guidelines dictate how the quizmaster will make a ruling, not how the ruling will be made.

 All question types:

-More: more information from the question or the answer is needed
-Again: to correct something in your answer
-Clarify: be more or less specific
-When an answer has a clarification in brackets the quizmaster will decide based on the context of the verse and the question and if the answer given has adequately fulfilled the question.

Interrogatives and Multiple Answers:

-First answers taken.
-Quizzers must use the correct words (or in most cases, synonyms according to the quiz master’s discretion), they are permitted to be out of order, as long as they have all the information included in the correct answer.

-“Quote” and “Quote these two verses” questions require word-for-word answers. “Word-for-word” is defined as: word perfect; you can’t add any letter or word, you can’t take away any letter or word. The quizzer must use all the words, in the correct order, all at once. If a quizzer says “tree” instead of “trees”, it’s incorrect. If (s)he misses the word “a” or “or”, (s)he’s incorrect. The quizzer may correct themselves by starting the entire answer over.
-The first ‘Again’ will be said at the END of the verse regardless of the number of mistakes. Subsequent again’s will be said at the quizmasters discretion.
-More can be said at any time the quizzers stops in the middle of the verse even if the quizzer has not reached the end of the verse the first time

Finish the Verses:

-“Finish the verse” and “Finish this” questions also require the quizzer to respond with all the words in the correct order – but not necessarily on the first attempt. If a quizzer says all the correct words but mixes up the order of a few words in the answer, they have the rest of their thirty seconds’ time to go back and correct the mistake.
-The first ‘Again’ will be said at the END of the verse regardless of the number of mistakes. Subsequent again’s will be said at the quizmasters discretion.
-More can be said at any time the quizzers stops in the middle of the verse even if the quizzer has not reached the end of the verse the first time

Reference Questions:

-“What’s your question?” will be asked only if the question wasn’t finished completely, and missing valuable information from the question. Quizzers are allowed to go past the 30 second time limit for this.
-They do not require word perfect answers.


-Quizmaster can prompt with “That is the question” or “That is the answer” or “What is the question?” or “What is the answer?”

QuizMaster methods:

-Quizmasters must hold down reset until last ‘question’ is said. You should hear a beep when letting go of the reset button if the console is ‘armed’ (ready).